Painting Pictures

Painting, hobby-studio machine

декупажMore and more are becoming popular among the Handmeida fans with furniture decoration techniques such as decoupling. To date, Hand Made is actively conquering the hearts of the handholders. A lot of articles have been written about this technique. In brief, decoupling is a technique that comes to us from the medieval. In Germany, they were designed to cut pictures of paper and steal their furniture. From here on to the name - decouper - cut. This term appeared in Europe, last century, when a new wave of popularity of the redundancy went.

Furniture, interior, dishwasher, vassembly, and even decoration bottles. It depends on desire, and the use of this technique is practically on any surface.

What's that? Simply put, it's an appendix. But not simple. She's not gonna look like a sticker, it's like a wood or a glass. It's a good way to give a second life to old objects and surprise their friends with interesting things made. with your hands.

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The depurchase tech is quite simple, but at the same time, it's a tiny job. If the result is really interesting, you'll have to try.

First of all, we have to choose the image you'd like to put on the surface, whether it's furniture or something. The most common use is traditional waste napkins. They usually have three layers. This is done to make it easy to separate the drawing from unnecessary paper. The thin layer that you're going to stick to the surface will hardly be visible on the surface. But the pictures on the napkins can be different from flowers, to abstraction or urban landscapes.

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