Seating Chairs

Декупаж стульев | Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmadeThere's been a long vacation! There were three chairs, the exact same name, and more accurately the scissors. It was decided to transform them.

This will require us to:
- Old chairs;
- A small-size-fighting stitch;
- Acrylic paints coloured;
- Depurchase napkins;
- gold acryl;
One-stop cracelur foot;
- yacht lac;
- Kristi;
- The sponge for washing;
- PWA glue;
- scissors.

For chairs, new seats and backs had to be cut out of plywood and, accordingly, they had to be removed by a small brake before the paint.

The seats and backs of the chairs are then covered with acrylic paint by a normal lipstick to wash the dishes.

After drying the paint, we'll be back sliding the stool details with a small bra.

Then we put on a second layer of paint. As long as we dry the paint, we cut the flower's motives from the decoupling napkin.

Now we define the place where the kracelur will be painted and painted with gold acrylic paint, it will be the color that looks through the cracks.

After a full drying, a gold acrylic paint is filled with one-stop cracelur foot. We put the brush in one direction.

In a few minutes after the application of the cracelur foot, it's the main color. It's a beautiful bruise, painted with a thin layer without pushing hard on the surface without going on the old paint swab to prevent damage to the layer of cracelur foot. Virtually the paint starts to crack and the beautiful effect of the old cracked paint. Leave the chair details until the paint is fully dry until the next morning.

Yay, it's morning! We're going directly to the mischief. Separate the red layer of cut flower motive. depurchase napkins Two others.

Put your face down on the file. We're wiping water with a soft bone, and we're screaming all the wrinkles and warehouses in the drawing. The napkin is easily sliding on a slippery file. Make sure there's no warehouse or wrinkle, scrupulously staining a little PVA cage. I didn't smash it, because it's a drawing and it's already floating in the water on the file.

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