So, it's about summer and it's time to think about moving on. For three months, freedom from urban fusion and pleasure from unity with nature. Only these thoughts give me the strength to survive what we've got out of the window, the terrible wind and the snow with the rain... brew. And since I've had a new hobby in the last year, I've got to move my tissues, buttons, ribbons. ♪ ♪
And I decided for all my wealth to restore with your hands. inherited from me Old suitcasethat my granddad used to travel with. ! Really, with a good wooden carcass and correct castle.
- Aerosol paint;
- Acrylic paint;
- Acrylic paw;
- Obi;
- napkins;
- PWA glue;
- And, of course, the old suitcase.
First, I painted all the iron details from the binder: corners, locks, caps, curtains, pen... Then he got rid of the inner voyage, which was nothing more than a thriving paper, a little lost and a little bit broken. And she's got the rest of the walls on her place.
Then I painted the suitcase several times with white acrylic paint, and I carried one layer of acrylic claw. It's harder to pick up the images for the decoy. I've been wanting to decorate a napkin with a picture of European cities.
And for the old suitcase, that napkin was not as good as it was. But all the fragments were huge... to complete the image, I needed some small details. Turning out a lot of options, it stopped on a hunting napkin.
Determining with the subject of the old suitcase's decor, he started directly to disguise. All the small fragments were cut off tightly, the big ones were blown by their hands. Separating the upper layer, gluing to the surface, wearing the glue from the centre to the edges. I'm always using a mixture of PVA glue and water (1:1).
There were two layers of acrylic claw above the glued fragments. And one more layer covered the entire suitcase completely. Inside, I made a pocket for all the clothing supplies, sewed from the tissue and attached to the cardboard (see photo).
That's all set to move. All we have to do is wait for the summer.