As we know, the decoration of objects is not new and has a fairly rich and interesting history. Decoration is considered to be one of the most popular decoration technicians. It, in turn, includes many areas, species and styles. Some of them can be developed quickly, others more complex, require expertise and skills.
A little history.
The French name of the decoration technique "depaying" is translated as a cut. The purpose of this art is to steal objects by labelling them with cut pieces of colour paper or already prepared drawings combined with other materials.
For the first time, depurchasing technology became popular in France in the sixteenth to fifteenth centuries. It is subdivided into several dozen species. Many (most complex) were developed at that time. Some items could have been created for months and years because they needed many different layers. It is well known that decoupling has attracted historical figures such as Madame de Pompadur and María Antoinette.
Damage objects
Furniture, dishes, scales, postcards, vases and a lot of other items will be suitable for decoration. By showing your fantasy, it is possible to transform all things and to make a real art work out of a completely unattractive object.
Most often, the depurchase technique is used to process bottles of drinks for any holidays. It could be a anniversary, a wedding or all of us. New Year♪ It's always fashionable, stylish and original.
Types of discharge. Dekopatić
There are only 5 major types of depurchas: decopathic, direct (or classical), retroactive, artistic (or smoked) and voluminous. They are all very different, but they are combined with basic equipment.