For the manufacture of a broad bracelet from the biser, you will need:
-2 wooden, beads 1, 8 cm in diameter;
4 wooden, beads 1, 5 cm in diameter;
4 wooden. 1 cm bushins;
5 wooden. 7 mm diameter bush
4 wooden bushes 5 mm in diameter;
3-strong yellow biser;
3rd shade of green;
Small natural cables;
metal bracelet;
black canva for the face, green drap for the ink;
glue and glue gun;
A tape for stalking.
1. Flip the beads with a yellow basser of different shades. For the central row of beads 1, 8 cm in diameter, 37 biserinas will be required; 1, 5 cm will be 31 biserinc; 1 cm will be 25 biserinc; 7 mm will be 21 biserincs; 5 mm will be 19 biserinas.
2. Cut 9 pieces of wire 10 cm long. In the middle of every pile, put a bisserie, squeeze out. Gather three bullets, three pieces of wire in each.
He's also a biserpent master. Two bells By its own handsa flight from a biser but a wire.
3. Take the sub-standard wire and attach all the ready-to-be elements so that the grapes are threatened.
4. Cut 20 pieces of wire 5 cm long. Put them on the basserina. Make two bullets, ten grand of wire in each. Take a wire of 12 to 14 cm long, and use a tape to vaccinate the stalks, put a bullet in it.
7. Flip the basser leaf.
8. Make a slogan. For this, cut four pieces of wire: 1 piece of 15 cm length, 1 12 cm length and 2 10 cm length. Give them a bicellar of different shades of green and make a slogan.
9. With a special glue or a glue gun, attach all the jewellery elements to the metal bracelet. The wire is covered under the tape for the lithium. We can make extra wires.
Graphic grapes can be used not only to create decorations. They're also well suited to the interior of the room or kitchen, such a bracelet or souvenir will be a birthday present.