Filay Knitting Technician

Founds of file knitting

The philosophical knitting is based on the coverage of the purple circumference and is the rotation of empty and filled cells on the grid, which gives a distinct game of light and shadow. Completed in philanthropic knitting technology, well keeps shape. The philosophical knitting technique is good for the roller coaster, napkin, curtain. It's also good in the philain performance of summer cats, Maycs, dresses, vests, etc.

Philly knitting is available even to starters. Usually, the filthy grid is the rotation of poles with nakyd and aerial hinge, but there are different variations of pole combinations with two and more naquids. The number of air hinges may also vary. Philly knitting is performed according to diagrams where the empty cell also corresponds to an empty cage of the plug, and the hairdressed is a complete cage of the calcium, and it's tied up with poles of oxid.

It's best for a filthy buckle that comes from cotton, but it also uses lazy, viscosis and other mixtures of buckles from these fibres.

An example of tying a file grid with a pole rotating with one nakid and two air loops filled with a cage consists of three nakid columns. Example of chess-chematic fiction.

Adding cells.

To add one empty cell at the beginning of a row 7 air hinges, rotate work and carry out a c/n in the previous row.

In order to add the cells at the end of the row, we have two air loops and a 3-m nakid column in the last hinge of the previous row.

In order to add several empty cells at the beginning of the row, the number of lift cells must be calculated. For example, for the addition of 2 cells: 3 air loops for an average cell +7 hinge hinge hinge hinge for an extreme cell, followed by a s/n in the 8th hinge, 2 air loops and a s/n in the last pillar of the previous row.

Several empty cells at the end of a number We also add, like one, repeating the number of times required and pointing the pole to the middle of the last column.

In order to add one full cell at the beginning of a series of five lift hinge air hinges and start to tie poles with a pole to a 3-lete from the hook, then insert a c/n into the next hinge and article c/ into the last pillar of the previous row.

In order to add the completed cell at the end of the row, we shall tie 3 poles with 2 m nakids to the lower part of the previous row.

In order to add several filled cells at the beginning of the row, as in the desert, it is necessary to calculate the number of air hinges. For example, for 2 filled cells: 3 medium cell air loops + 5 air hinge hinges for the extreme cage, wire them up and start linking poles to the 4th hinge.

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